The motto underpinning this year's Road Safety Day is "We for #VisionZero", a reference to the target of zero road traffic accidents and a safe road traffic environment. Against this backdrop, the technology company VITRONIC, headquartered in Wiesbaden/Germany, has decided to run a special promotion to draw attention to the topic of road safety.


VITRONIC is initiating an art competition aimed at children in third and fourth grade of elementary school. VITRONIC employees will choose the winning pictures from the works of art that are submitted. And the winning entries will be immortalized in a very special location – on one of VITRONC’s speed camera pillars in Wiesbaden. The competition aims to raise awareness of the topic of road safety among children by stimulating their creativity.

VITRONIC’s speed camera pillars for speed monitoring ensure improved road safety every day and help reduce the number of serious traffic accidents. The idea behind using children's artwork on the flash unit housing is to draw attention to this important issue and to send a positive signal to all road users that road safety matters, especially when it comes to children.


"Our art competition is a fun way to get the younger generations thinking about the serious topic of road safety," explains Britta Weiser, Director Global Marketing at VITRONIC. "Children have a special ability to express their thoughts and ideas creatively. By displaying their pictures on our speed camera pillar, we hope to remind drivers that these young road users are the reason why they need to slow down."


The art competition reflects VITRONIC’s commitment as a company to ensuring a safe road traffic environment and will help raise awareness of traffic safety among younger people.


The competition is only open to elementary schools in Wiesbaden. A picture template and all other paperwork required for competition entries will be sent out to schools by mail at the end of June. If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to contact VITRONIC at For more information, see

Everything at a glance

Brochure Road Safety Day


VITRONIC is the world's leading innovation driver for machine vision, enabling its customers to master the challenges of tomorrow.

The global group of companies develops forward-looking solutions in the form of specialized products and software for image-based quality inspection, identification and process optimization, which find application in the growth sectors of automation and traffic engineering.

VITRONIC solutions make an important contribution to helping shape a safe and sustainable world. The existing limits of what is economically feasible are constantly being questioned in order to achieve the highest quality and productivity, for example in the production of automotive and pharmaceutical companies. Worldwide, Auto-ID solutions in logistics centers and at cargo airports, take over the reliable and efficient recording of shipments and thus ensure a transparent flow of goods.

In the transport sector, VITRONIC offers leading technology for increased safety on the roads, for optimizing traffic flow and for recording road usage.

Open and honest dealings with our customers form the foundation for jointly exploiting technological and process potential to the full. Joint success forms the basis of long-term cooperation with companies such as B. Braun, BMW, Daimler, DHL, UPS, Fresenius and Sanofi as well as with public clients.

Since its foundation in 1984, VITRONIC has been growing continuously for 40 years. The current annual turnover (2023) is above 240 million EUR and the company is currently represented on five continents in over 80 countries with approximately 1,400 employees. Since 2024 the company is part of ITIS Holding, leveraging the strengths of both entities, creating a strong end-to-end ITS and automation provider.

Development and production of VITRONIC systems are located at the company headquarters in Wiesbaden. VITRONIC subsidiaries span across all continents, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Additionally, a global network of sales and service partners ensures localized support for international customers.

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