Inspección de recepción de pedidos y expedición de mercancías

Data capture Camera- and laser-based Camera-based Camera- and laser-based
Data type Barcodes, 2D-Codes, OCR, dangerous goods labels, dimensions, object classification, weight Barcodes, 2D-Codes, OCR, dimensions, weight Barcodes, 2D-Codes, OCR, dangerous goods labels, dimensions, object classification, weight
Throughput >25.000 objekts/h*(Example at 2 m/s for 3 objecs per meter) up to 900 objects/h up to 3.700 objects/h (with 200mm parcel length)
Shipment type Parcels, bags, large letters, palettes and other cuboidal and irregular objects Parcels, bags, large letters, palettes and other cuboidal and irregular objects Parcels, bags, large letters, and other cuboidal and irregular objects
Object size minimal object height 10 mm maximum object size depends on sorting technology For dimensioning: min 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm max 600 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm min 150 mm x 50 mm x 1 mm, 0.1 kg max 600 mm x 500 mm x 500 mm
Weight up to 60 kg up to 50 kg min: 0.1kg, max: 20kg
Sorting speed up to 4,5 m/s Handling of objects: up to 2,5 m/s up to 1,1m/s
Sorting technology All common sorting systems / belt sorter, roller ball
Belt width up to 1.600 mm / 550 mm
Destinations / For sort-to-light: up to 48 as standard can be extended without limits up to 99
Features Certified data capture, OCR, archiving system, videocoding, overview camera, dangerous goods labels recognition, monitoring Manual workstation, sort-to-light, sort-by-voice, DWS modular, movable and quickly built up at other locations
Variations / 5 MP, 12 MP /
Field of view / 5 MP: 310 mm x 260 mm x 300 mm (10 MIL Codes at 200 dpi) 12 MP: 539 mm x 394 mm x 600 mm (10 MIL Codes at 200 dpi) /
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